Thursday, October 25, 2007

12 Month Internet Millionaire!

The 12 Month Internet Millionaire. The Amazing Money-Making Secret Of A 28-year-old Convicted Felon Who Earns More Money Per Year Than The CEOs Of FedEx, eBay(R), Amazon, Time Warner, Apple Computer, McDonalds, Microsoft, Nike, Yahoo, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, And Goodyear Combined!

Find out more! Click Here!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's A Wonderful Family!

For all my years of being a parent to 4 children, one thing I’ve learned is that you cannot predict how your children’s lives will turn out. All my children are now married and I am the proud Nanna to 6 grandchildren.
When they were younger they all had their own unique personality and at times it was quite challenging. The real test of patience though was when they entered their teenage years! My two girls were the biggest challenge! My eldest daughter was very independent and “thought she knew everything about life”. I’m sure you’ve heard that before!
My youngest daughter was more dependent but could be very “sneaky”! They certainly gave my husband and I some interesting times, and we sometimes wonder how we made it through! We used to say to other parents, put your kids in a boarding school at 14 and don’t let them out till they’re 20!
Both of my girls have grown into wonderful, independent women who now have families of their own. The two boys were relatively easy in comparison. We had a few issues with alcohol early on but as of now, neither of my boys drink much at all. They are both loving, caring men and we’re so proud of them.
We spend each and every day being grateful for the wonderful family we have. I equate my family life to the quotation below and believe that our home is as beautiful as a flower garden!

A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.
Buddha (563 BC - 483 BC)

I hope my stories about my family help you in your quest to have a wonderful family life.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Saving Private Goals!

Have you ever heard the term “dream stealers”? I’m sure a lot of people have but aren’t sure what it means.
Whatever you do, if you have a goal you want to achieve, don’t share it with others, keep it to yourself. There are people out there who will do anything they can to steal your dream from you and tell you that “all that stuff is nonsense”. The more people you tell the more they suck the energy right out of you.
The idea of a goal is to focus all your energy on it and to believe that you have already achieved it. A goal is not something you think about and sit waiting for it to happen.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
French writer (1900 - 1944)
For a goal to materialize you have to set out what you want and when you want it.
As an example I’ll tell you my story. My goal was shared with one other person and that was my husband!
We had lost our previous house through a bad business venture in 1990 and I was determined that some day I’d have my own home again. I started putting pictures of houses on my walls and I knew that my daughter was getting married in September 1995, so I set my goal to be in my new house by August 1995.
One Saturday afternoon my husband was working so I took a drive and came across some new blocks of land. I got talking to the salesman and he said I only needed $100 to secure a block. We had $3000 in the bank so I took the gamble and paid the deposit. My husband agreed to go along with it thankfully! A couple of weeks later my husband was working again so I hopped in my car and started looking at display homes. I came across one I really liked and once again started chatting to the salesman who told me he could build us a house while we paid off the deposit, legal fees etc., so he came to talk to us that night and we signed up. It’s amazing how quickly things began to happen once we put up a picture board the means to attract the required deposit seemed to appear from many sources. This would not have occurred if we did not have a passionate goal.
To cut a long story short, we ended up moving into our brand new home on 4th August 1995 and all our fees etc. were paid for, and we also paid for our daughter’s wedding.
I knew that if I’d discussed my goal with anyone else they would have said I was crazy, especially when we only had $3000 to our name! But I knew with all my heart that we were going to achieve the goal no matter what stood in our way.
Stay away from the “dream stealers”!
Visit my website for more information.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Gulp Fiction!

Did you ever think “gulp, what happens now”, when you first found out that you were having a baby?
It’s an amazing feeling knowing that you as a couple have created this little creature who will totally change your lives. Once the baby is born your status will change to that of “family” and your responsibilities for this tiny person are only just beginning.
The overwhelming feeling of joy and elation when you first find out spreads like wildfire throughout your family, and can turn an otherwise dull day into a life changing experience.
I have personally experienced these feelings 4 times and another 6 times with my grandchildren, and I can honestly say that it is the best thing that has happened in my life. I wouldn’t trade any of it. Babies have their own unique smell and just to give them a cuddle is one of the simplest joys in life.
There can be issues with sleeping and feeding in the beginning but when your child gives you that very first smile it’s all worth it.
Children add a whole new dimension to your life and you are continuously learning from them as well.
Should this baby change your life? YES! And in my opinion it’s for the better! If you and your partner have a close bond then the addition of a baby should only strengthen it. If a couple has problems after the birth then in my opinion the relationship wasn’t strong in the first place and this may need contemplation by both partners to work out how to turn the situation to their advantage.
So if you are contemplating having a baby and worrying about the changes in your life, just think of the wonderful gift you’ll receive in 9 months!
For more information about babies and family relationships, visit my website at

Monday, October 8, 2007

Setting A Goal And Achieving It

Back in 1990 my husband and I were promoters of Bob Proctor's "Born Rich" seminars in Queensland, Australia.
You may or may not know that Bob is a contributor to the bestselling book and video "The Secret".
During our one on one training with Bob and his wife Linda in Toronto, Canada, he gave us one very valuable piece of advice which we still do to this day.
He said to write down a goal, write it in the present tense (this is to trick your subconscious mind into believing that you have already achieved it), then visualise your goal as though it has happened and feel yourself in possession of it. Remember to read it every day. The concept is that if you truly believe something then you will attract it into your life.
This actually happened when my husband and I wanted to buy a house. We had no money for a deposit but I had a goal of owning my own home, so I put pictures up of houses and house plans and then put it out into the universe.
Within a few months I met a Developer who showed me how I could have my house in a short space of time.
Within a 12 month period we built our dream home and paid for our eldest daughter's wedding! It just didn't fall into our laps, we had to work hard to achieve everything we set out to do, but we attracted the right people into our lives.
To this day we tell everyone we meet this story so that they know that goals can be set and achieved without too much effort!
For more information go to