Welcome to my blog! I hope you get some invaluable information from my experiences of family life.
Having an outstanding family to me means that you have a family who want to be together and love spending time with each other.
There are so many disfunctional families around today that it's great to see a "normal" family.
I'm not having a go at single parent families as I know a lot of them do a great job to keep their family unit together. I've had experience with this in my own family and the parents have done a fantastic job.
I'm talking about families where the kids are roaming the streets and the parents either don't have a clue, or they don't really care what their kids are doing.
I've come from a Mediterranean background and family is the top priority with all of us. No matter what happens in our lives, we know that the family will be there to support us. It's about caring for each other and taking an interest in whatever is happening in each other's lives.
For more information go to my website www.outstandingfamily.com
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